
The Job I Never Knew I Would Need

 For the past four months have been given the privilege to work as an individual aide in a school with children that have special needs. When I first applied for the job I was a little hesitant on how much I would really like it. I initially applied because my parents were telling me that I needed to pick up my part and work more (  which was 100% true even though I’d care not to admit it). So since I’ve always wanted to be a Special Education teacher, and my dad worked at a  school with special needs students, it was recommended that I work there as a sub, and then this way I would also get some experience in my field of study. 

 I don’t know exactly why but I thought I’d hate this job. Maybe it had to with the fact that my dad worked there, or maybe I was because I thought that everything would go up in flames once I entered the classroom. But,  I honestly think it had to with the fact that maybe would reality would hit me and I would find out that Special Education wasn’t going to be right for me, and I think that’s what scared the living hell out of me.

 To my surprise, I ended up loving the job so much. I would often  find myself sitting in my Western Civilization class on Monday morning thinking about what I would end up doing the day I came into the sub that Friday ( I usually  ended  up missing part of  the lesson because my mind wandered so much.)   I found myself looking forward to work ( which was something that didn’t happen a lot beforehand). A lot of this has to do with my coworkers and the students that I have been given the opportunity to work with.

When you first start a new job,  it can be scary. I didn’t really know what to expect when I came in on my first day. When I entered the school for the first time, I was so nervous. I didn’t want to do anything wrong, and I didn’t anyone to judge me on not knowing anything. But as soon as I through the door,  I was greeted with a smile and “ Good morning, how are you? Oh, wait. Are you John’s daughter? I HAVE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!” ( Even now when I run into someone new at this job, this reaction always makes me blush. No idea why, but it does.)  And this small gesture from this staff member made the experience so much easier to transition into this new community and thankfully, I’ve been lucky enough to have met so many kind people while working at this school. Who have all gone out of their way to make my experience in the community as amazing as it has been. I’m generally a quiet person that keeps to myself, it takes a while for me to open up to people I don’t know very well.   But with this job I  always find myself smiling at people as I pass them in the hallway, saying “Hey, how are you?” and having this positive, bubbly energy around me. I’ve made friends with so many individuals,  who I’ve realized  I can be 100%  myself around.  I now have a group of people who  I can rely on to be there for me, and cheer me on and who I can always count on to help me up when fall ( and hopefully laugh with me and not at me when I stumble and crash into a trash bin). To those that are reading this, please know that I am so grateful for all the support, guidance, and friendship that you have given me the past few months. I know that it’s been a short amount of time but you’ve all become family to me and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.

As I’ve started working more with the students, I’ve realized how amazing they truly are. Everyone has so many different personalities, likes, and dislikes, yet, they all give each classroom this unique, fun, and energetic, atmosphere that you couldn’t help but love being involved in. I’ve  created bonds with the students that I never thought I’d be able to make.  It amazes me how by just squeezing a  student’s hand , or just talking to them can cause this big, bright smile spill across their  face.   I’ve been so lucky to have met so many amazing individuals who have left a lasting impression on me. I still can’t get over the feeling of seeing a student in the hallway get excited because I waved to them, or how sometimes I get stopped in the hallway by a student who wanted to hold my hand and dance with me.   I’ve learned from working  with these students that the smallest things you do for someone, can make their day a lot better, and that’s a feeling I will never get over.

    A job that I initially thought I would dislike has become the highlight of my week, I am so beyond grateful for the memories that I’ve made for the past few months, and I cannot wait to make more. This is a not just a job. It’s not just a school. It’s a family, and once you walk through those doors,  that’s what you will always be considered.

Thank you for giving me a place to call home,
