Your're the spontaneous one, and you usually love it. But sometimes, it can be frustrating when your more quiet and conservative friends don't want to do anything.
Here are some of the struggles of being that lovable crazy friend.
1) You're usually outnumbered
The most frustrating feeling is when you want to do something crazy, and a couple friends don't want to and all of the sudden, nobody wants to.
It's easy to just back down when one person speaks up. The amount of convincing you have to do can be exhausting.
2) Nobody understands your thought process
Everyone questions "why?" You on the other hand say "why not?"
That's just how you live life. You live life hoping to create amazing stories to tell in your old age. You're constantly coming home with crazy stories and funny occurrences, but it somehow doesn't resonate with your conservative friends.
3) People mistaken your spontaneity as recklessness
This is the most annoying thing ever. Your friends notice how much you go out, and how nonchalant you seem about it.
They start to think you're being reckless, when in reality, you just want to have some fun. What's the big deal?
4) People think you're empty
Again, this is annoying. You have all these crazy plans at any spare moment.
People to start to over analyze why you want to get up and find adventure, but the truth is you're always seeking adventure.
At the end of the day though, your spontaneous nature is one of your favorite traits about yourself. You've taken risks left and right fearlessly, and you haven't looked back.
People envy how adventurous and creative you are, and there's never a dull moment when you're around.