The Thought Process of a Basic Overthinker

When it's a Sunday evening and so far you've had a great day!

Your little breakdown is over, you even got some work finished, you showered, washed your mop top, even put real clothes on, feel great, you're ready to take on the upcoming week head on and make it the best, but your heart strings have had a little tug on them all day and now you sit here and prepare yourself for the worst because that's what you do.

You'd rather be prepared for the worst and it not happen and be twice as happy than to not prepare for the worst and it does happen and you're twice as hurt. At least this way you're a little more expecting even though you're praying to God that it doesn't happen.

You haven't heard from in over 24 hours and you already assume he's upset with your heart to heart talk. You're suppose to be able to talk about everything, no matter what, but you that's not always true. 

It's Sunday and you normally don't talk much over the weekends, but something still feels off or maybe you're just looking into it to much….remember it isn't really abnormal not to talk on Sunday. 

You try to rationalize everything and you overthink just about everything. That's okay, it's part of who you are. It makes you … you. 

You've decided to work tonight even though you know you probably shouldn't. The longer you're awake the longer it's going to eat at you that you've done something wrong. At the same time you think that if you stay busy time will go by quicker and you'll hear from him tomorrow since it's Monday…..or at least you hope so. 

It's only been close to 24 hours since last talking, but you've got new stuff to tell him. I mean what else is a best friend for?! 

Actually you just found a funny meme that made you think of him and want to show it to him..

You don't actually need a reason to want to hear from him or to talk to him in general. You just enjoy hearing about his day and telling him about yours. You don't care if it's mindless chit chat, bickering sarcasm, or deep heart to hearts. 

He's one of your best friend and you just want to know he's happy….even when sometimes it hurts you.

You have a seriously love/hate relationship with technology and instant communication. You know he had a busy weekend. You know that you don't always answer your phone. It's okay not to have instant communication. It does you some good not to have your phone up your ass all the time….but it also makes you second guess things once in awhile.

So, you decide to Netflix while you work and probably stuff your face with a whole lot of chocolate moose tracks to keep you from overthinking something so basic.

Published by

Alaina Sue

An enthusiastic bookworm, a hopeless dreamer, and yet a beautiful believer. I've been broken and lost within myself. I've been on top of the world and lucky in love. I'm so very simple, yet so very complicated I'm usually indecisive and my heart is always at war with my brain. I have a free spirit, yet I'm a simple realist and everything in between.. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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