The Type of Alcohol You Are Based on Your College Major

Like alcohols, each major has the ability to make you feel some type of way. 

English – Wine

Are you reading some Shakespeare with a glass of white wine? How much more "English department" can you get? Dim the lights and pour a full glass, because this is going to be a long night of essays and articles. 

Education – Hard Cider

Hard cider is sweet, just like the little kids you're learning to teach. 

Math – Tequila 

I mean, it's called "to-kill-ya" for a reason. Math is hard and majoring in it can be as brutal as straight tequila. 

Social Work – Shots

As a social worker, you're going to see many hard-to-process things. 

You'll need to forget the worst moments and shots are just the thing to help you let go and avoid taking them home with you. Your job is intense and so are they.

Women's Studies – Vodka

Like vodka, Women's Studies can make people really emotional. They both come on strong and don’t stop until they get their point across.

Chemistry – Jager Bombs

Grab some beakers and get down to business; Jager Bombs are the only drink that makes sense for chemists. 

Spanish – Margaritas

Prepare for long nights spent with flashcards and margaritas trying to summon your inner Spanish-speaking self.

Business – Gin

Gin is fairly smooth, just like the smooth transition you'll make from your classes to the real world.

Engineering  – Sake Bombs

Who but engineers could balance chopsticks and a shot glass on the rim of a sticky cup in middle of a bar? There's a lot of precision involved and they've got the skills.

Criminal Justice/Forensic Science – Moonshine 

Drinking moonshine is no walk in the park and the same can be said for seeing crime scenes and dealing with bodies.

Nursing – Whiskey

Just like your classes and workload will burn up all your time and energy, whiskey burns the whole way down.

Economics – Rum

Economics can really get under your skin, just like rum.

Psychology – Jack and Coke

The endless ways to analyze a person really get your gears going. You have a unique way of looking at things; you're a classic with a twist, just like a Jack and Coke. 

Pre-Med – Shirley Temple

If you've ever met a Pre-Med student, you probably had a quick conversation because they were too busy studying to really talk. There's limited time for play for Pre-Med students, so they stick to Shirley Temples. 

Communications – Champagne

Words come out of your mouth as easily as champagne goes down your throat. Besides, what's a good speech without a champagne toast to follow?

Art – Mike's Hard Lemonade

Just like this lemonade, your major doesn't always get the credit it deserves. It seems easy at first, but add up too many classes (or too many bottles) and you'll find yourself hitting the floor hard.

Computer Science – Fireball

Like computer science, fireball is tough to swallow. It gets easier after you've had a few, but take a break for awhile and it'll hit you like a truck. 

Biology – Jameson

Jameson hits hard, just like Biology classes.

Film – Beer

Film majors tend to be laid back and pretty chill, so beer suits them best.

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Just your average 20 year old college student, trying to find myself one article at a time. I'm a professional napper and avid coffee drinker, with a side of crazy cat lady.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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