The Ultimate 4th of July Drinking Game

If you haven't already started drinking by now, here's an even better incentive to start your festivities with a bang. 

Take a drink when you hear someone say "God Bless America!"

Take a drink when someone lights off a noise maker firework.

Take a drink when another bag of chips has been finished.

Take a drink when you hear someone shout "'Merica!"

Take a drink when you see an American Flag.

Take a drink to enjoy the strobe light firework when someone lights one next.

Take a drink when someone mentions 'Uncle Sam'.

Take another drink when someone at your party has gotten way to out of hand on their drinking (you're almost there by now too).

Take a drink when you hear the song "Born in the USA" come on the radio. 

Take a drink when someone whips out a camera/phone to snap a billion pictures of the fireworks that everyone in America is currently lighting off. 

Take a drink when someone brings out the Roman Candles. 

Take a drink when some idiot almost starts an unexpected fire.

Now go have fun, celebrate, and be safe! Celebrate America the way all America's do; eating, drinking, and blowing up fireworks in the sky. 

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PSU communications major. Oregon livin'. Writing and adventuring enthusiast. "And so the adventure begins..." Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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