He's losing her when he makes her feel crazy for talking about how she feels.
When she's pouring her heart out to him and he's staring at his phone.
Every time he refuses to look at the world from her perspective, fighting her on every word she says, he's losing her.
Especially when he doesn't even try to understand her.
He's treating her like he is better than she is, as if they aren't equal in this relationship.
He's losing her when he doesn't continuously choose her.
When he makes her feel like she isn’t a first option, let alone a second or third.
She's left wondering if she can actually depend on him because he never actually takes her side or has her back.
What she needs is to know she can call him at any time in the day, maybe just to say hi or maybe because she needs to vent.
That’s how he can keep her.
But every time he lets his ego cloud his judgment he's driving her further, and further away.
He loses her when he doesn't give her his all.
She wants so badly to love every one of his flaws, but he simply turns the other way, never allowing her in.
He's refusing to be present, and the only time he pops in is after he's let her down for the hundredth time, only to remind her he's 'sort of' there.
The only way he can keep her when he allows her to enter the corners of his mind, but he doesn't realize that.
When he demonstrates his love and devotion to her in little ways that have nothing to do with the words, “I love you.”
When he lets down his walls and lets her in, and by recognizing when she is being vulnerable with him, and by being vulnerable with her too.
That’s how you keep her.
But the truth is, he's already lost her. I'm already gone.
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