Football is basically the reason the world spins for our boyfriends. From the player they’ve idolized since he was a kid to wearing the same jersey every Sunday because it’s ‘good luck,’ he’s a die-hard fan through and through. So instead of sitting and begging for some love and attention just to be ignored by the extremely intense stare down with the TV, you might as well join him and throw him the best Sunday football party he’s ever been to.
1. The guest list is key
Only his very best friends, otherwise he’ll be forced to make small talk that’ll ruin his day. And you get extra points if they’re all rooting for the same team, that way they can all cumulatively shit on the opposing team without anyone getting butthurt.
2. Snacks on snacks on snacks
I don’t mean pizza and wings here. Why not go all out? We’re talkin’ homemade nachos, buffalo chicken dip, burgers, seven layer taco dip, hot dogs, alllll the foods that speak to a dude’s NFL obsessed heart. Believe me, he will thank you for this.
3. A fridge stocked with beer will be your best friend
I don’t know what it is, but men always seem to associate football with Busch Light, so stock up. And don’t be insulted when you hear, “hey babe, will you grab me a beer?” about 600 times. It’s his day, right?
4. And a bottle of tequila for the worst case scenario
Because if your man’s team is losing, he’s going to need something to help him mourn the loss of this game. When times get awkward and tense, there is nothing a round of tequila shots won’t help.
5. Don’t take his moodiness personally
He’s going to be fifty shades of crazy for the next million NFL Sundays in a row, so take it all with a grain of salt. Roll with the punches because you’ve got a lot more to come.
At the end of the day, he’s your favorite guy and what he loves, you love. And he loves these teams and individuals and has since the day he started walking. So you will do everything in your power to support him.
Because let’s be real, you love him more than he loves his team.
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