
This Is How You'll Lose Her

You "love her," or at least you say you do, but you don't see what you're doing to her. You don't see the way you're throwing her aside and you don't look into her eyes and see how deep the pain your causing cuts. You're going to lose her.

You'll lose her when you…

…Don't care to take the time to just hold her.

…Stop giving her the love and affection she gives to you.

…Start shooting down her thoughts, ideas, and dreams without even realizing it.

…Consistently put her on the backburner as your second choice for when other things don’t work out.

…Start spending more time interested in your friends than you do her.

…Don't put aside time that's just for her.

…Only reach out to her when it’s convenient for you.

…Start saying things to her that destroy her self-confidence.

…Leave her staying awake wondering what she did wrong.

…Watch her cry over you without even flinching.

…Turn your back on her when she's telling you that she needs you.

…Send her mixed signals every other minute.

…Ignore her in front of people who you deem to be 'better.'

…Choose to hurt her, repeatedly.

…Push her to her breaking point.

…Hurt her so badly that she starts to spend her nights drinking to forget about it all.

…Are busy looking for something better when the perfect girl was sitting in front of you, waiting for you to love her.

The more you hurt her, the more you lose her. Day by day, she's going to begin to pull away. And when she finds someone who actually loves and appreciates her for the beautiful person she is…you'll lose her forever.

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