I recently reconnected with one of our mutual friends. She was telling me that I was too good to you. And you know what? I was.
You didn’t realize how good I was. At the beginning of our relationship, you wouldn’t let me buy anything. No going out, no drinking, nothing.
Until, one day, you caved. Little did I know, that was just the beginning of you “letting” me buy our dinners and drinks.
You were my first love, what was I supposed to do? I thought I was in love with you. And I may have been at first.
Until I realized that you were just using me. You may not have realized it but you were. I had a car that worked, and I had a job, meaning I had money coming in consistently.
I didn’t realize how emotionally abusive you were until it was late in our relationship. I knew I wanted to be with you. I thought I could help you. I wanted to help you.
While we were together you were addicted to pills. I didn’t see it right away but that’s because you were trying to hide it from me.
I helped you get into a detox program at least 3 times. I would drive you there. Drop you off. And wouldn’t even make it home in some cases before you were calling me to come pick you up.
And to this day, I’m not sure you were telling me the truth on why you left or rather got “kicked out.” It was a voluntary program, so if you wanted to leave then you could.
I’ll never forget the relief I had when I would drop you off and start heading home. That’s when I realized that we shouldn’t be together anymore.
Whether you want to admit it, or not, I’m better off without you. I’ve met some other guys who deserve my attention way more than you do.
And I may have a slight grudge against you for certain things that you did during our relationship, but I truly hope you’re doing okay.
I’m happy, and I hope you find someone who’s perfect for you. As for our relationship, we weren’t a very good match.
But I’ll never regret our relationship. Everything happens for a reason. I learned a lot from it and I hope you did too.