This is Why Loving You is My Favorite Hobby

"I love our story, sure it's messy, but it's the story that got us here," How I Met Your Mother

You're crazy, but so am I. It just works. 

You probably don't see yourself half as good as I see you, but in my eyes, you are one good lookin' man. 

You're sweet, but in your manly way where sometimes you don't know how to be romantic, (especially around your guy friends!) But, you never fail to make me feel loved.

We have gone through a lot, yes, and on the outside looking in it probably appears to be complete chaos. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I know that every night I can look at you and think, "There is NO ONE in this entire world who knows me better than he does, and he loves me anyways!" 

You are special because you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. You treat me as if there couldn't ever be a girl who was prettier than me.

I KNOW there isn't anyone out there who would protect me as much as you would. You would be there for me in an instant. 

You're cuddly, cute, and occasionally frustrating, but in all honesty, there is no one I would rather fight with than you. 

You excite me. In ALL ways too. Fire work stands, a day on the lake, a day on the couch, or even a trip to the movies. You make every experience a grand adventure. 

You're so fun and make me feel so alive. You bring out the best in me. My adventurous side comes out with you, and I feel so full of life and fire. 

You are so hardworking. In our relationship, work, and life. You never give up, and you inspire me everyday to push toward my dreams. 

Another thing that's incredible about you is that you are insanely smart. It might not be the same kind of smart that I am, (I know books don't come easy to you), but you have taught me more about cars, handy work, and pretty much anything else a man does best than anyone I have ever met. 

You are my best friend, and loving you is my favorite hobby. You'll always be my favorite person.

This is why loving you is easy, loving you is fun, and loving you is exciting. 

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PSU communications major. Oregon livin'. Writing and adventuring enthusiast. "And so the adventure begins..." Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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