Admit it, we’ve all seen these kinds of posts on social media:
“Today, I came home and my significant other had done the dishes and the laundry! I am the luckiest person in the world to have them in my life! #Blessed???
Wow! Congratulations, you are dating someone who can complete the same chores as an 8-year-old child.
Now, I’m all for appreciating the little things. But it seems like so many people glorify their boyfriend or girlfriend for completing the simplest of everyday tasks, or for just being nice to them.
Your significant other is not a puppy who should get a treat every time they go potty outside instead of on the carpet.
If you are in a relationship with someone, and especially if you are living together, it should be a partnership. Both parties should be regularly contributing to household chores.
Sorry, but unless you’re dating a lazy POS, you really don’t need to be over the moon when they vacuum the carpet or take the trash out.
It also should not be Facebook post worthy EVERY SINGLE TIME they say or do something kind for you.
Your boyfriend held the door open for you at the movies?
Your girlfriend sent you a text saying she is stopping at the store and wanted to know if you needed anything? Great! Sounds like you are in a completely normal relationship.
Chances are if someone feels the need to constantly validate their relationship on social media, it is more than likely not that great.
A person who says and does nice things can easily be a person who is still an asshole.
Don’t make your standards so low that you are shocked and amazed when they display common human decency towards you. This goes for anyone in a relationship.
Like I said, the little things are very important in a relationship, of course, but the whole world does not need to know every time your significant other treats you well.
That should always be expected when you are in a loving relationship with someone.
You should be blown away by someone’s character, values, morals, accomplishments…those are the big things worth celebrating and appreciating.