To My Absent Father on Fathers Day

It’s that time of year. Commercials on TV recommending the “perfect fathers day gift”, stores having “the ultimate fathers day sale”, the sappy social media post about how this father or that father is the best. I can’t even go to the bakery section of the grocery store to get sweets to indulge in without seeing the fathers day cakes. 

I, too, want to wish my father a happy fathers day and maybe even thank him. But, not for all the reasons everyone else does. 

I want to thank you for teaching me some valueable lessons. You taught me that people leave, even if they are supposed to love you, they leave. You taught me this at such a young age, that as I get older I don’t  expect anyone to stay around. But, because you left,  you taught me how to depend on only myself. You taught me how to handle rejection. All the years, letters, messages to try to get you in my life that you rejected, I can handle rejection a little better. It still hurts nonetheless. You taught me what not to look for in a man. Although, you don’t look much like a man from where I stand. I never want to end up with someone like you. 

Because of you I have many tear stained pillow cases, cracks in my heart, a void even though you never been here I once upon a time longed for you. Most of my friends were daddys girls,  something I never experienced. You left me with abandonment issues. You also gave me my first heartbreak. 

Credit is given where it’s due, so, thank you for the valueable lessons, and even all the heartbreak, it made me the strong independent woman I am today. 

Published by

Sambora Vaughan

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