
To My Best Friend: Please Don't Ever Give Up On Me

You have always wanted to see me happy, and I appreciate it so much, but now it's your turn to be happy. You have done so much for me through out the last couple years and you have been there for me when my boyfriend and I fight. 

You have been trying to wobrk things out with your ex, and I'm happy that you are, but I can't help but get scared that you will leave me hanging for her. You try to remind me that you won't forget about me, but I know how easy it to forget about someone. 

I try to get along with her for your sake, and for a while we were getting along pretty well, but you can't blame your cousin and I for feeling neglected by you when we really need you. 

The drama that unfolded between your ex, your cousin and I was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. I never meant for drama to unfold between us, I just wanted her advice on why you may not of had as much time for me lately. 

I never want to see you unhappy, you are my best friend. You deserve a girl who will love you on your good days, and your bad days. I want to be a part of your life, and I want you to be able to talk to me about things going on in your life.

I understand you are one person and that you try so hard to help everyone, and that sometimes you don't have time to help me with my problems, I'm trying my best to be patient and not be so dependent on you 24/7, I just was really lucky that for a while you were consistently there for me, but I also need to remember that you need a break too and that it doesn't mean you don't care, you just need to breathe. 

You can't blame me for being scared, I've never been important enough to people to stick around when someone else comes into their life, I get pushed aside and later the person will tell me that I'm just not worth it anymore, and I never want to see us get to that point. 

I know I should stop doubting our friendship, but I'm so used to being second choice. I'm used to guys wanting someone better in their life. I know you aren't like most guys, and I am so thankful for it, but some days the thoughts just get so overwhelming. 

Some days I need my best friend, even if it's just a "I'm still here" text that will randomly pop up on my screen, or those pictures that you send me as if you know without talking to me the mood I'm in and that I need a laugh. 

Thank you for doing what you can for me, and for reminding me still that I will always be worth it to you, even if we don't talk every day. 

I just get scared that you will forget me sometimes, and that our friendship will no longer be important to you(I know I shouldn't think that, but you know how I can be)

I will work on my problems on my own the best I can, and not be so dependent on you. I will always be supportive of you and what you want to do in your life, just like you are with me. 

As long as you never give up on me, I will be happy. Just promise me that no matter who comes into our lives, that you will never give up on me, because I couldn't get through this crazy life without you.