To My Best Friend, Thank You for Always Being My Safe Haven

You’re someone I go to when I feel down, you hear my endless rants, my pity parties, my complaints, and you put up with all my whining. Normally it’s all a facade. You see, I’ve gotten really good at being very expressive about things so that people think I’m being open. That way, they don’t try to dig deeper.

It’s different with you though. 

In the midst of all of our little talks that might seem so insignificant to you, I sneak in some things about myself that I don’t really share with anyone. I wonder if you pick up on it.

I don’t open up to people. You though? I can confide in you, and because of that, I truly value our friendship.

Thank you for being there through my ups and downs. You’ve unknowingly helped me through some of the toughest moments of my life.

Thank you for genuinely caring about me, and for not dismissing my openness as just rants or complaints.

You make me feel so incredibly cared for. You make me feel like I’m important to you. You always make sure I know that I’m worthy of such a fulfilling friendship.

When I say I don’t know what I would do without you, I hope you know how much I really mean it. With many friends, I’m very reserved and careful with what I share, but with you, I feel at ease. You’ve helped me finally accept myself enough to finally feel confident enough to embrace my flaws.

Your friendship is one of a kind, and you have no idea how much I treasure it. I always will.

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I'm just a girl trying to make sense of this crazy world.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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