Oh God, where do I even start? We loved so hard, so deep, & understood each other just as much. You could have put us in a room with 500 people & a complete stranger could have picked us out of the crowd & known we were in love. But not only was I in love with you, I loved you. I loved every part of you, every single being of you.
But, something happened- things changed & I’m not sure where we went wrong, where we lost ourselves. I do know that it hurts, it hurts so bad, but I want to say thank you. I have learned lessons from losing you that I would have never been able to learn from any other experience. I learned how to truly love. Not in a way that you love a best friend or a family member, but in a way that is indescribable.
I want to say I will always, always be here for you. A week from now, a month from now, a year from now I will be here. I’m a firm believer that you never stop loving someone once you give them a piece of your heart, so please take care of the piece that I gave you & I’ll take care of the piece you gave me. I once read that it’s better to have loved & lost, than to have never loved at all. You’re the type of boy that makes me believe in that. I would never trade what we had, not for the world.
Lastly- cheers to us, we tried our hardest.