“You came into my heart one day so handsome and smart. A dear sweet companion I loved you from the start. And though I knew the time would come when we would have to part. You’ll never be forgotten, you left paw prints on my heart.”
It’s really true what they say about pets, in the sense that they become the best companion you could ever ask for. I wouldn’t have traded you for anyone or anything.
You could always tell when my day rough, or if I wasn’t feeling well. You’d curl up next to me and for a few moments forget that your favorite thing to do was bite my fingers or hide my socks. You’d look up at me with that cute face of yours and my day would get a little bit better.
You had your own personality; and sometimes it was hard to believe that you were an animal, because you could be feistier than a human and more attentive that anyone I knew.
I’m pretty sure you mastered knowing exactly when I was just getting comfortable because just at that very moment you would decide to conveniently jump on my bed and lay right by my face.
Heaven help me if I didn’t feed you on time, you had the attitude of a thirteen-year-old girl who got her cell phone taken away and you would never let me hear the end of it. I think you knew I’d give in and give you treats because your guilt trip always worked on me.
Then one day you weren’t acting like your normal self, you were just lying around with this sad look on your face. Even getting scratched behind your ear didn’t perk you up and I knew something was wrong.
It’s moments like these I wish our pets could communicate with us and verbally tell us something was wrong because I hated seeing you in pain. If I could have taken it myself I would have because someone so small and innocent didn’t deserve to go through what you were feeling.
As we waited in the vets office all I could do was hold you close, because in my gut I knew what was about to be told to us wasn’t going to be good news. When the vet came in with a sad look on her face I almost lost it. I thought about covering your ears, but then realized it was silly cause you wouldn’t comprehend everything that was going on.
You were really sick though, and at this point there wasn’t anything we could do, you had been holding out in pain silently for so long. It was time to make a decision that instantaneous broke my heart.
I fully believe you held on throughout the pain as long as you did because you didn’t want to leave me. It was my turn to be strong for you. I held you close throughout the entire procedure, giving you kisses and rubbing your back until you took your final breath.
I wish I could have done something different, anything but the outcome that took place. I miss waking up in the middle of the night and knowing my cuddle buddy was just a few steps away from me. I miss having someone excited for me to come home everyday.
The house is quieter without you, and there are moments that I swear I see you out of the corner of my eye, or I feel you rub up against me when I’m asleep. I know it’s you reassuring me that you’re never very far from me.
I hope you know that you were loved, more than you can imagine and that I took so much joy in being your parent, because pets are more than just animals, they are your kids in a way as well.
Though I am glad you are no longer suffering, which brings a small amount of comfort to my broken heart. Just know that forever and always I’ll love you to the moon and back.
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”- Helen Keller
To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.