To My Grandma In Heaven, You're The Reason I'm A Strong Woman Today

Dear Grammy,

There isn’t a day that goes by that my thoughts don’t wander to you. You are the woman who has made me challenge myself to be the best each and every day. 

I miss you. 

It’s hard for me to think about your soul not being in your body anymore…but it’s also beautiful. When I think about it now, it’s like you were finally set free after suffering physically for so long.

Growing up I watched you struggle and fight battle after battle with your health. Infections, aneurysms, congestive heart failure. Yet you were always in high spirits. I could tell it became harder for you in the end, as you had to rely more on other people, but you still got joy out of simple things, as you always did.

It makes me smile thinking that you are in a better place, finally at peace. I still miss you always though. I miss everything about you. It’s hard to explain everything that you have done for me, but know that all that you have taught me has been positive. 

You have taught me how….

To be strong.

To love someone who doesn’t want to be loved.

To stay close to my beliefs in all of life’s battles.

To be happy over the little things in life.

To smile through the rain, it will pass.

It is so very important to stay true to myself.

I am sure I am biased saying this, but I truly believe you were the best grandmother in the entire world. No one could stand a chance against you. 

You left at the right time for you, you were ready. And I always say that you were taken too soon, but no matter when we lost you here, it was always going to be too soon. 

I love you forever. 

Published by

Meaghan Violet

I'm just living life and writing about it. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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