
To President-Elect Trump, Please Prove My Fears Wrong

This is a pointless plea, and part of me knows that, but nonetheless, please, prove me wrong.

Show me that you can learn, that you’re taking this job seriously, that you care about something other than your own publicity.

As we come upon your inauguration, I know people are feeling a lot of things. Many of your supporters are feeling hope.

They’re hoping that all the things that are hurting, things that didn’t change under the Obama Administration, will finally change for the better. 

But many of the rest of us are feeling a lot of other things.

Fear, for one. Of what you might do to women, Muslims, immigrants, refugees, people of color, LGBTQ people, poor people, and more.

How the world might view us now. Your thin skin might translate poorly to other nation’s leaders, and our international relations, sometimes tenuous already, might be hurt. 

We’re terrified of war, hate crimes, and loss, especially for people who have already experienced so much of it.

Anger, too. Because so many of our values were rejected by almost half of American voters.

Because he could ride out peoples’ fear and hatred in such an abhorrent and self-serving manner. Especially because we know what you’re capable of.

And above all, sickness. This nausea in the pit of our stomachs at the understanding of what you might mean, and of what it means that you managed to get elected.

The post-election-day hangover hasn’t subsided yet. And on January 20th, the decision America made a couple months ago comes to fruition.

So far, you’re not impressing me. Your cabinet picks, your speeches, your constant turning over and over on what you say and what you believe.

Your new Congress, who already took their place, isn’t impressing me either, we are on the brink of taking health insurance away from so many families who need it.

We’re not exactly off to a rollicking start.

I’d like to believe your entire campaign was a sick joke, but anyone who’s paid attention to your long history can see otherwise.

It’s riddled with racism, sexism, and a disdain for all who don’t share the privileges you enjoy.

But maybe once you take office, you’ll learn. Maybe you’ve even learned already. 

Hopefully, the weight of what you’re in charge of, the wellbeing of a nation, and the responsibility to protect all its citizens and move them forward, will knock some sense into you.

So far, you have been by far the most unimpressive Presidential candidate I’ve ever seen. 

You are unqualified, uneducated, and unwilling to hear the concerns of others unless they are concerns you can twist to make it beneficial for yourself. 

If you’re going to lead a nation, you need to be ready to lead all of the nation, not just those who can bolster you up personally.

I hope you realize the full weight of the consequences if you fail, and I hope the aftermath of your failure isn’t detrimental.

For the love of all that is good, impress me and please, prove me wrong.

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