Friends come and go just like seasons, and I guess you could say you were my summer because I wanted all those warm sunny days to stay. Sadly, it is true that all seasons do come to an end, just like our friendship. We made it more complicated than it should have been. Maybe we both grew up together, but that also meant growing apart too.
We used to do everything together! You were the first person that I wanted to talk to after a bad day, or jump up and down to after a good one. I used to think that we would always be this way. That we would go off in different directions in life, but still stay best friends, I guess I was wrong.
The thing I miss most about you is your stupid smile, or the way it curved up when you were thinking something mischievous. Or Maybe it’s the way you never told me what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. I miss the goofy laugh you do when you see something funny, or the way I felt like everything would be okay when you hugged me.
I have came to the conclusion, that maybe some people are only meant to be the temporary friends. The friend people go to when they have no one else. Then just like a rainbow, there one minute and gone the next. They don’t mean to break your heart, they were just lonely. You try to build them back up only for them to leave when they feel okay again. Relationships hurt when they end, but what hurts even more is losing someone you considered family.