Everyone wants to be wanted. They want to feel like someone needs them to stick around or their life just won’t be the same.
That feeling when someone looks at you like you bring light into their world is simply intoxicating.
And I’m addicted to the feeling.
I’m so addicted that I find myself dropping whatever I’m doing to go help a friend even if I’m in the middle of something pretty important.
If they need me, I’m there. Period.
And this isn’t so uncommon. It’s a great thing, actually.
You devote yourself to helping others, as many of them as you possibly can in an attempt to make the world a better place. And it works.
Everyone sees you as the most helpful person. The one that’s always free and that they can ask for anything, but that’s all they see.
You put out into the world that you’re always available. You’re always full of energy. You’re ready for the next thing.
In reality, you also take care of your family and pets and home. You also go to school and work. You try to have a social life and still somehow manage to find the time to help others and be a cheery, bubbly person.
Everyone thinks you’re such a cheery, bubbly person.
But inside you’re just so tired.
The problem is, you really love it when people feel like they can depend on you and you love making them happy.
You love making their lives easier and, as an added bonus, they love you for loving them.
But you spend so much of your time doing things for others that you hardly have any down time.
You can’t even remember the last time you actually watched your show on Netflix, not just had it on in the background.
Sleep is out of the question at this point.
Sometimes you’re so tired, it’s all you can do to get to the end of your work for the night and crawl into bed. Sometimes the days go by in blurs of tasks and checklists.
And while it’s great helping others, sometimes we need to help ourselves first.
You can take time for yourself. It’s okay. Spending so much time working hard is great, but everyone needs to rest and you’re only human.
If someone keeps pushing themselves and pushing themselves and never lets up, even the most vibrant Energizer bunny will run out of battery.
When you don’t have enough time to yourself, you can’t recharge enough to give those that you love your full attention. And that’s not fair to them.
With as much love and support as you give them, you should give an equal amount to yourself. You need to love yourself because that’s how it starts.
Just don’t be afraid to take a break because you’re afraid of letting someone down. They will understand because you’re not a superhero.
It’s okay to be sick. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to just take a day for yourself.
You’ll still be wanted in the morning, I promise.