To the Friends I Use to Have, Thank You.

Throughout my short life, I have made friends…and lost them. With some of them, we just drifted apart, life happens. With others, let's just say it didn't end well. 

No matter how I've lost friends, I would like to say something to everyone of them.

Thank you.

Each of you have taught me about myself. Did I take part in the friendship ending? If so, what was it and how can improve on myself in the future?

Some of you, I have realized have traits that I don't want in a friend and have done things that have either wronged me or that I can't support. 

You've helped me see what I want in a friend and people staying by my side.

All of you were put in my life for a reason and I now see why.

So thank you to all of you. It was nice while it lasted. 

Life's too short, so I have no bad feelings. All I wish is the best.

Published by

Jordanna Romano

20 year old college student who's just taking it one day at a time Twitter handle: @jordannamariee Facebook URL:

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