Nobody expects the strong, fierce woman I am to cower before a man because I’m afraid he’s going to hit me, that I would put up with being treated the way that I am, even though they see it with their own eyes.
You’ve seen the bruises and you just dismiss it because you don’t see me as that type of girl. You can’t picture me staying with someone who would treat me less than I deserve because that’s not who she is.
Except for the fact that, that is exactly who I am. I am helplessly stuck in a situation for thousands of reasons and I can’t find a single person who is willing to speak up and tell me that they see me.
None of my friends or family acknowledge what I’m going through. All I need is for someone to tell me that what I’m going thru isn’t right, it isn’t normal, I deserve better and that no matter what they are there for me.
All I need is for someone to tell me that they believe me. That I’m not in this fight alone. But I don’t. Nobody says a word.
Nobody steps in to save me, making me feel even more isolated and alone- which is exactly what he wants because it increases his control over me.
I have to find the strength within me to leave him. It’s something I’ve thought about a million times and it’s something that the idea alone is enough to terrify me.
After I finally leave the abuse behind everyone pretends that they never saw the signs.
They say they would’ve never expected me of all people to be in an abusive relationship- even though the signs were all around.
We tell ourselves we didn’t know to silence that voice inside our head that kept nagging us to do something.
No more she’s not that girl because nobody is. Nobody seeks out wanting to be in an abusive relationship. It just happens.
And once it does, we don’t know what to do to leave. So step up. Ask questions. And if you think something is wrong, trust your gut.
Remember, nobody is that girl until they are. And then they need your help to leave.