To the girls who's hearts seem too big at times

It is hard. 

The people around you probably know you as the “yes” girl. In others words, the girl who cannot say no. Ever. You find yourself in really weird situations, trying to help people that would never even think to help you– or anyone for that matter. You find help, genuine and true help, RARELY. So, you begin to rely on yourself. 

But here’s the problem with that, you start to expect yourself to have all of the answers. And when a situation arises that you’re not so sure how to deal with, you freak. You bring yourself down and you lose it. 

Here’s the good news, your heart is as big as a mountain and that she the only answer you ever need. You will soon realize that turning on yourself will only hinder your abilities to be there for others; and that is not an option. BECAUSE PEOPLE NEED YOU. 

Sometimes that’s just our role in the world. To serve. Now that I’m in college and on my own, I’m realizing that serving others is not something to be ashamed of at all. Getting down on yourself for loving so boldly, however, is. Be proud of your big heart. Mine has led me to the best people and the best opportunities. 

That big heart saves lives. It especially saves your own. 


Published by

Emylee grooms

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