To The Guy Who Gives The Girl His Shoulder

I’ve had plenty of guys in my life who I could talk to and trust, but it’s never been like it is with you.

I’ve only known you for almost 2 years now, but you have been by my side from the start. From our talks from the time we got up in the morning, to our late night text messages, you have been my shoulder to lean on. I’ve told you a lot about my past, probably more than I’d like to admit. I am the kind of girl who is terrified to trust guys.

I had my dad walk out on me when I was in middle school and it destroyed my trust in guys, if he could walk out so easily they could too. I told you from the start that I have major trust issues, but you have always proved me wrong when I say you will walk out like everyone else.

Whenever I have a rough day, I know you are just a call or text away. You know what to say to calm me down, or how to reassure me that things will be okay. If I need a break from my family you are always willing to give me a place to runaway to for a few hours, or willing to meet me halfway so I can get some air.

You have been such an amazing friend to me and I often feel bad at times that you do so much for me. I’m not used to having a friend care so much that they will drop what they are doing to come save me. The first time we hung out, you were sweet enough to give my car an oil change after I called my friend asking to pick up oil for my van so I could put in enough oil for that night. You instead insisted on getting the oil for me and just giving it a full oil change.

I was down in IL one night back in March, and you had just gotten your wisdom teeth removed, and I had texted you that night crying because my tire was flat and I needed to get home the next day. You were supposed to rest but you got up the next morning to come take care of my car, and know that I got home safely.

If I ever got put down by my friends you were there to tell me that things were okay and that what they said about me wasn’t true. You always tell me that I’m worth it and that I’m important to so many people, including you.

You have seen how bad my depression gets on numerous occasions. You can’t stand when my family puts me down and tell me I don’t deserve it.

You always tell me that you want to see me happy, that you are willing to do anything to show me that I need good in my life, because I have so much negativity in my life and can’t help but tear myself down.

It’s only been almost 2 years that I’ve known you, but you’ve impacted my life so much more than half the people in my life. My boyfriend may not be too fond of you, but it’s because he’s not used to me needing someone else besides him.

The two of you get along for my sake, but you both look at each other with different feelings, because when my boyfriend and I fight, I go to you for a guy’s perspective on how I can make things better.

You have been nothing but supportive of me, and I appreciate it so much. Thank you for always giving me a shoulder to cry on, a hug when I need the comfort, and for coming into my life and showing me that not all guys are the same.

I am so glad to have you by my side, and I can't wait to see where we land in the future, I'm thankful to have you by my side through the good and the bad. I love you best friend. 

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My name is Lauren, I am 25, have been with my boyfriend Jeremy for 6 years now. I suffer from depression and anxiety, but I try not to let it affect my life. I am new to writing so it may not always be the best. I write about my boyfriend, my friends, mental health a bit, but I am trying to expand my writing. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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