
To The Man I Love, I'm Sorry They Didn't Cherish You, But I Do

You've been through so much emotionally, and for that I am so sorry. I wish I could reach inside of you and pull every bit of heartache, every ounce of pain, every broken promise right out of you.

I would take it all from you in a heartbeat if I could. But unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. 

You don't like to talk about your pain very often, but I can feel it every time we touch. I can see it in your eyes when we fight. I can taste it in your kiss after we make up.

Deep down, you're terrified. You feel like you've been abandoned so many times that it's only a matter of time before I do the same. So you push me away while secretly waiting for me to pull you closer.

You see, I know so much more about you than you think I do. You think that you mask it well, but I know your heart, so I know better than to believe the facade you put on. 

I know what it feels like to be scared, to have doubts. That same pain that you're trying to conceal, I have also been through. Those same things, I too, struggle with sometimes.

In this life, we come across some shitty people. Those who let us down, hurt us, lie to us, and abandon us. After experiencing it so many times, it's hard to accept that there are any good ones left. 

It's hard to accept that there could possibly be somebody out there who will love you with no conditions, no stipulations, no judgments. 

It's hard to accept that there could ever be someone who sees you for who you are, with all of your scars and your brokenness, who will care enough to keep loving you anyway.

But I'm here to tell you that as hard as it is to believe, I'm here for the long run. 

I know what those people did to you. I know why you have walls built and trust issues and why you try to keep your guard up any time that you're feeling vulnerable. 

It's hard, but I love you. 

I love you enough to fight, to never give up. I love you enough to be there for you when you are feeling broken; to hold your hand and sit with you in the darkness.

I love you enough to see that your pain does not define you, it simply makes you human. 

I love you enough to work with you, to help you, to hold you up when you just can't stand on your own two feet. We can never erase what's been done to us, but we can find ways to utilize that pain, to transform it into something beautiful.

I love you enough to realize that all of those who hurt you must have been out of their mind because you, my dear, are amazing. 

In order to know happiness, we must first be able to look pain straight in the eye.I love you enough to know that you are worth every bit of time, energy and hardships we may go through.

So take my hand as we walk through this journey together..

I'm sorry that they did not value you, but I promise you, I do. 

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