Ways to Deal With Depression and Anxiety Around Exam Time

It is quite the tradition for students to have less sleeping hours because of two things: 1. the stress of attending classes, assignments, reviews, study groups, and anything school related, or 2. by attending all the parties all week of the day. Since the first one takes most of student’s time, especially during exam week where stress takes is at an all-time high.

Because of this, the term “exam stress” comes to play, and true to its form, we all had those moments when we start breaking out, we tend to eat a lot, and procrastinate until we can say we’re done. We become anxious, and even get depressed with the feeling of possibly becoming a failure. Well, these feeling may come through different ways that oftentimes we don’t know they’re already happening. Just like any action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and as mere mortals, we need to find ways to overcome them and take control of our own destiny – in this case, college stress. Here are 4 ways to deal with depression and anxiety around exam time:

1. You should learn how to motivate yourself

First thing you have to remember is that in every game you join, always demand respect and control – and that you always hold the ball. This means to never let anyone or anything take control of you: your physical, emotional, and mental state. You have to be tough and always look for ways to motivate yourself, maybe through early planning or anything that floats your boat. Here are a few examples:

  • Plan ahead. With the usual work load college requires you, time management will play a vital role to become successful with your career and school life.
  • Remember that you are not the only one feeling depressed or anxious. These stressful things that result in depression and anxiety happen to almost everyone who is in college. One good way to motivate you is to find the answers earlier and never procrastinate. Some professors discuss the requirements in class ahead of time, which means, slacking off is not the cure to depression and anxiety, but the actual trigger.
  • Always find happiness in everything you do. Whenever we are faced with stressful situations, one way to finish it with no ill feelings is to always smile. Just like the song says, smile even though your heart is breaking. Learning how to motivate yourself is to always start with having a positive response to every stressful situation. For example, if you are pressed with time for an essay, smile and just finish it as soon as possible. Being alert to various circumstances is a skill that you can carry with you forever.

Motivating yourself is all about finding outlets to release the stress you are having at school. Once you find you outlet, everything else will follow smoothly.

2. During exam week, it is always advisable to create a stud habit

When we have to study for three exams in one day, chances are we tend to forget one thing about a certain subject which is unacceptable. For example, if you are taking six classes for that semester, you are sometimes faced with the same exam schedule that is not under your control. One good thing about this is the fact that every hurdle can be finished, and one way to do this, especially during exam week, is to adjust your study habit. Do you like studying at night? How often do you study? These are just some questions you need to answer in order to create that study habit that fits your schedule and your preferences. Here are a few tips:

Cue cards – They may sound old school or traditional, but they are also proven to be effective. Writing down the topics and facts about the exam has a more positive outcome, than just reading them once. If you write the necessary details you need to study for, positive outcome will result once you take the exam because everything you learned are not memorized, but retained in your mind.

Removing yourself from social media – Today, technology plays a vital role in our lives. On way to focus on your studies is to remove yourself from social media, especially during exam week. Focus on school to avoid depression and anxiety, because failing will result to a negative response on your body, and success will result happiness and contentment.

Concentrate on the task at hand – Do not let unnecessary factors com in the way of you acing that exam. Always focus and having a driving force to jumpstart your study session. Eat before you read and have a good night’s rest after you study. Always know what you want, and in this case it’s obviously passing your exam.

Help will always come to those who ask for it – Generation today has it easy on them. With the help of the internet, there’s always the option to buy essay from reputable sources and writing services. You can check top the best services at Bestessays.review. If not, you have your classmates who are always willing to lend a hand.

Be organized – When you are feeling down because of all the things you have to do before even doing them, just always remember you can take the highest mountain if you are organized.

3. A healthy mind also needs a healthy body and spirit

In college, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves because of the stress of requirements. You have to remember that a healthy mind requires a healthy body. So always remember to do the following:

  • Exercise to stay physically fit
  • Follow a proper diet to stay healthy
  • Sleep well to keep a healthy mental state
  • Relax to avoid emotional trauma

4. With the stress of college, there’s no reason for you to be alone

School is a great avenue to find new peers and discover yourself, and one way to stop yourself from depression and anxiety is to socialize.  Going out in college is normal and oftentimes, inevitable. Do not let the stress of school work take over your personal life. This means it is okay to party to celebrate success, and it is also alright to go out with your friends to discuss defeat, and eventually move on from them.

Always remember that, success is not achieved in one day, and a successful career is not a selfish path someone takes. This means, people will always come in your life, and the best way you can do is stay with those who matter and care for you.

To wrap this up, depression and anxiety frequently happens in college and it is totally normal for students to encounter them. With this in mind, there are many ways to avoid them from happening if you have the right mindset as well as if you stick to your goals: graduation and a successful career in the future. Ensure you always do the following:

  • Motivate yourself
  • Find the study habit that works for you
  • Stay healthy
  • Socialize

These four important ways will help you avoid the stress you are dreading, and will lead you to a fruitful college life. As the saying goes by Jodi Picoult, “anxiety’s like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far.” Lastly, always keep a positive mindset in everything you do and do not let everyone or any circumstance make you feel inferior without your consent.

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Kerry Creaswood - blogger from Savannah, GA. She is fond of various forms of art and thinks that everything we can imagine is real. Twitter handle: @kerrycreas Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/kerrycreaswood

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