We Were Never Real Friends, I Was Only Your Acquaintance Of Convenience

It’s not those we date who hurt us the most, but our friends. Or more accurately, our almost friends.

Like…I only wanted to talk to you. See you from time to time. Share some stories and enjoy some laughs together. 

Who are you that you’re so busy you can’t sit down for brunch with me? 

Let’s be honest here: I was never your friend. Not really…even though I thought we were. 

I was only there when you needed someone and not even me in particular…just anyone to pass your free time. 

I was conveniently located, and when I was not? You conveniently walked right out the door. 

How opportune of you.

The thing about me is, is that I don’t treat people with indifference. I truly care about them, even if I don’t particularly like them. I still give people the time of day because that’s what they deserve.

After all I gave to you, I didn’t deserve the cold shoulder, and I know that I shouldn’t be giving more to someone than they give to me. I know that. I’ve heard the rule.

But, I can’t help it. I want to connect with people. As many as I can and sometimes, we’ve got to give more than we receive to reap the benefits. 

Yet, there were no benefits to you, and once again life has shown me not to expect anything from anyone. Not to rely on a single soul.

Sorry but I can’t be like you. I won’t. I’m not a person of convenience. I’m a person, and I will not ever treat someone with as much indifference as you’ve shown me. 

Say what you will, but I care too much. I don’t have people in my life for convenience…acquaintances, friends or lovers alike. 

I don’t have people like how I was to you 

For more of Brit Bandana’s writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

Published by

Brit Bandana

Mountain dweller and day-dreamer. Writer, jewelry-maker, and habitual mistake-maker. For more of my writing, check out my Facebook page! If you'd like to see some of my jewelry, please go to my website! Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Brittany-Ann-1547058825604701/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

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