
What It's Really Like To Date A Doctor

Nobody ever thinks they're going to meet a medical student, fall in love, and end up dating a doctor. But here I am, a year and a half later in that exact situation. There seems to be a certain stigma when it comes to being a doctor's girlfriend, and after a little more than a month of experiencing the realities of dating a “real doctor,” I have some thoughts I would like to share:

  1. Everyone thinks you’re rich – HAHA. Do you know how much medical school costs? Don’t look it up, it is gag inducing. I work a full time job additionally, and am currently writing this article from a camping chair in my couch-less living room.
  2. “You’ll never get to see him” – the #1 piece of advice from people who have never dated a doctor before. Yes he is busy, but we still make time to watch Game of Thrones or build a living room pillow fort (yes we really did that) or hike to a waterfall – even if that means it’s on a Tuesday at 10 a.m. Update pending.
  3. Hobbies are important – for those days when long calls keep him away late. Honestly, it is easier said than done when you’re used to being together all the time. This thought is why I’m starting this blog and attempting to work out…which I . N E V E R . D O. I hope these new hobbies prevent me from becoming too much of a crazy cat lady. (Fingers crossed).
  4. He Inspires Me – it’s typically too easy to complain about work, exercising, life in general. When I watch my doc work a 14 hr day saving lives, my problems seem a little less dramatic. His good doings and lifestyle inspire me to be a better person, live a little healthier, and complain less (even if I am missing the new Real Housewives to go for a jog). That’s what reruns are for, amirite?
  5. It’s not like Grey’s Anatomy at all – thank the lord, because I’m fairly certain I’m not cut out for that drama. Knowing someone IRL on the inside provided some clarity for me. Residents, surprisingly, aren’t sleeping with each other in on-call rooms and very infrequently scream “PUSH ME ONE EPI!” in the O.R. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one.

All in all, it's a learning experience with a steep curve. And I wouldn't change one thing about it.