When He Says the Time Isn't Right, This Is What He Means

“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one will understand. If it’s too late, everyone’s already forgotten.” – Anna Wintour

Life is all about timing… the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable… attainable.

Timing is everything when it comes to relationships. Everything happens when it supposed to.  

Life decisions are based on timings. 

And we like to think that if we meet the right person, the timing won’t matter because you are supposed to be together no matter what. 

But it doesn’t always work out like that.

Timing is something that none of us can seem to get quite right with relationships.

We meet the person of our dreams the month before they are moving to the other end of the planet. 

We form an incredibly close friendship with an attractive person who is already taken. 

One relationship ends because our partner isn’t ready to get serious and another ends because they’re getting serious too soon.

Sometimes you meet the right person, but something out of our control is standing in they way? 

Maybe you’re still trying to figure yourself out, maybe they just started a new job, maybe you’re graduating and they’re not, or maybe they just got out of a complicated relationship situation. 

Timing seems to be the invariable third party in all of our relationships. 

And yet we never stop to consider why we let timing play such a drastic role in our lives.

Timing is cruel, yes. But it only affects us if we let it be. 

Here’s a simple truth that I think we all need to accept: the people we meet at the wrong time are actually just the wrong people. Because if there is a will there is a way. 

Right people are timeless.

When you are with the right person, time doesn’t dictate the relationship. 

You don’t worry about fitting them into your busy schedule because they become a part of that schedule. 

They become the backbone of it. 

They make you happy in every possible way and gives you strength and encouragement to work within your busy schedule. 

The right people don’t stand in the way of your passion. The right people encourage you: To work harder, dream bigger, do better. 

They are ready to tackle any obstacle with you, and they don’t care how much time it takes.  

Because right relationships are supposed to make things happen. They are willing to address any obstacles if you chose to stand by them.

The truth is, when we pass someone up because the timing is wrong, what we are really saying is that we don’t value them enough to work with them.

There will never be a perfect time when everything falls into place and fixes all our broken relationships. 

But there may someday be a person who makes the issue of timing irrelevant.

There might be a person who will stick around and will be happily willing to work with you. 

They will make things work.

 Timing will neither affect their intensions nor love for you.

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I write things as they happen to me. So in a way we are going through this all together. ♥ Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Priya242M/

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