Sometimes I feel like people do not understand the word ‘no’. Sometimes, people are afraid to use the word because of the possible consequences.
Let me just say, the word ‘no’ should be powerful and should not result in any consequences.
No, I would not like a drink from you. No, I would not like to dance with you. No, I would not like to give you my number. No, I do not want you grabbing my ass or trying to stick your hand up my skirt. No, I do not want to have sex with you.
These simple statements result in being called a bitch, a slut, a tease. They result in even more aggressive behavior where you are forcefully being pulled into them and they will not let go.
It results in being followed around a bar or club, or being harassed through social media by getting follow requests and multiple messages.
If we are not interested, leave us alone, it is that simple. If we refuse a drink or a dance, that does not make us a bitch or a tease.
The way we dress does not mean we want to go home with you and it certainly is not an open invitation to be groped and prodded at in public places.
If we do not answer a message or ask you to stop messaging us, sending a shirtless picture will not help your cause and it will only creep us out even more.
I do not understand how this started and why men think that this behavior is acceptable. How would you feel if you knew someone was doing that to your mother, sister, cousins, best friends? It should turn your stomach.
Men need to learn to respect the word ‘no’ and not take it so personally. They need to respect that a woman’s body is not something they can just use and abuse however they want.
And no, not all men act this way- so do not get all up in arms about that generalization.
Unfortunately, this type of behavior happens more often than not and can only be changed by society. We need to teach these boys at a younger age what is acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior.
“Being drunk” is not an excuse. It is not an excuse to grope and manhandle a woman, it is not an excuse to call us a bitch or a cunt. When a woman is drunk that sure as hell is not an open invitation either.
Society needs to stop blaming the women involved, and letting the people who commit sexual assaults and rapes off so easy.
No means no. Come on, society! It should not be that difficult to abide by.