It’s an inevitable journey that every individual faces when you are left wondering whether or not someone is interested in you. Communication becomes so important that texting seems to be a continuous need for affirmation and a reflection of whether or not someone is actually thinking about us, but what happens when you are left constantly checking your phone for that one message that never seems to come. The message that makes you feel as if you are special and validates that he or she is “so into you!”
We all assume that it’s common decency to receive a morning and evening text just to ensure that the person is actually interested or maybe even a casual text during the day to know that we are on that person’s mind at that exact time. Why do we end up feeling insecure when there’s no sign of a text though? Why do we feel the need to receive a text, especially within a 3 day ratio? People are allowed to be busy!
There are various reasons why people do not text back or end up leaving you on read, but of course we have our own assumptions. We overthink and assume that they just aren’t interested or someone else is occupying them. Some people are not texters, they find it monotonous while others find it extremely useful when they need to become acquainted. Others find texting to be a bad habit and prefer communicating in person rather than looking at words every 5 minutes.
But sometimes, we feel really insecure when we are left wanting to speak to someone and wanting to know how their day has been but to no prevail being left on read, wondering why you aren’t good enough. Assuming the worst instead of understanding that everyone is different.
We tend to become paranoid and find fault in ourselves over something as simple as no text or no response without wondering whether or not the person is actually busy. Sometimes we end up waiting for a text after a date and become so vulnerable when it does not happen, thinking everything shared was a façade. Remember, not everyone thinks that way.
Some people end up disappearing and we never hear from them again. This could either affect you negatively or positively depending on how close you are with this person.
If a guy ends up never contacting you, there is a golden question you should ask yourself before blaming yourself for their immature behaviour. Ask yourself this question, “Would I refer him to my best friend?” If the answer is no, then why would you ever imagine yourself with someone you would not want your favourite person in the entire world with!
Why would you want to be paranoid about someone that you would not refer to a close friend, what makes this person so special that you spend half the time wondering what they are doing and why they are not contacting you?
Ask yourself that question whenever you have conflicting feelings towards another person because having someone destructible is never healthy. You do not need to be constantly wondering and assuming your worth because of someone else’s validation or a lack thereof.
Texting seems to be the start of many relationships and is becoming the platform for casual breakups as well. People either find it comfortable sitting behind a screen or uncomfortable talking through a keypad. Assuming reasons why someone is not contacting you via text is never healthy and waiting for a text should never be a top priority.
So the next time you are excited to hear from someone and end up waiting endlessly for a text, do not immediately think they are not interested, maybe they are busy or just not fond of texting. If you end up never being contacted, remember that if you would not want your best friend with a guy of his nature then he is not worth your time!
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