
When You Feel Yourself Burning Out, Read This

Even the most big-hearted, supportive, selfless people can burn out. Sometimes it happens without us even realizing because being other people’s support system has always come so naturally that we forget about ourselves. We give and we give until our hearts are running on empty, but somehow, we always find it in ourselves to give a bit more. 

It doesn’t feel like we’re doing anything wrong, in fact, it feels like we’re doing the right thing. We like helping people who needed us, being someone’s strength when they felt weak. But by doing this so constantly and unconditionally, we’re burning out our souls. We’re sacrificing our own well-being for another person’s happiness. 

Our minds are drowning in work and relationship struggles, but instead of facing it head-on, we allow ourselves to put other’s needs first. 

And this is how we burn out. Our patience levels plummet, we find ourselves feeling stressed all the time, and we stop caring about the things we once loved. Suddenly, we’re the ones feeling empty, we’re the ones feeling tired and lonely and there’s no one there to pick us up off the floor. 

We find ourselves walking around with no form of hope or support towards ourselves because we’ve given it out to everyone else. 

Our hearts are consumed by weakening factors that we’re too exhausted to fight off. We’re burnt out, emotionally drained, and lost in this world we once thought we knew. 

But the thing is, if life never knocked us down, we’d never know how to get back up again. Through every burnout, we learn more about ourselves. We learn about how to look at the world and make the most of every moment.  

It’d be easy for us to sit around and wait for our loved ones to notice we’re not okay, to ask if something’s bothering us, but we don’t want to wait forever. 

Instead, we find time to ask ourselves what’s going on. We think introspectively and find the solution instead of depending on others to fix us like we fixed them. Our hearts are too big to waste another minute feeling sad or forgotten.  

We learn to spend more time with ourselves and become more invested in our own growth rather than the affirmation of others. We learn to reflect on our progress and not forget the process. We learn to become more aware of our own needs and learn to find gratitude in all that we do. 

Instead of focusing on stress about work, studies, relationships, family drama or money, we focus on the fact that we’re blessed to have a job, the opportunity to learn something new and be surrounded by people who love us.  

There may have been a time where life knocked us down and burnt us out, but instead of remaining there we rallied. We pushed ourselves to our true potential, got up, and fought for ourselves. We deserve that.

We have the choice to change ourselves and relearn the way we handle life. No matter how we were raised or what we were taught growing up, it is always possible to relearn and be our true selves. 

Burnouts are nature’s way of telling us that we have been through a lot of emotions and our souls need revitalising. 

It’s time to put ourselves first, because if we don’t… who will?

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