
Why an AM Workout is just what You Need

I know, I know. Who wants to ~*voluntarily*~ wake up at the crack of dawn?

Growing up, I always had to be awake by 6 am, or 6:30 at the latest, to get to school on time. I couldn’t wait for the day I’d be able to sleep in a little bit, but that didn’t really happen.

Fall quarter of my junior year in college, I had some friends who worked out 5 days a week at 6 am. They were dedicated to going, so I tagged along one morning.

I didn’t realize that that was going to be the change I needed in my life either. I got into the routine of going to the gym at 6 am Monday through Friday. It wasn’t easy in the slightest, but the way I felt throughout the day made it worth it.

Here are a few reasons why a morning workout is exactly what you need:

For the most part, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself. 

I know that sounds cliche, but as someone who likes to get things done right away, starting your day with a workout sets your mood. I usually do 30 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of abs (though sometimes I’ll switch it up and do cardio and weights) and I come home feeling like I accomplished something when it’s barely 7 am. It’s a nice little boost.

You’ll feel accomplished.

This one is really true. Think about it – it’s barely 7 am and you’ve already been up for a little over an hour and worked out. Your energy is up and you feel good. You can go home and have some breakfast, make your bed and get ready for the day. Even if you don’t do anything else during the day, you still accomplished something (aka getting a workout in which is SELF-CARE!)

You’ll eat healthier.

I know, I know. It’s not easy to eat healthy. I’ve had a bad relationship with food since I was 11 years old, and ten years later I still struggle with it. But working out in the morning helps me make better food choices throughout the day. I don’t count calories anymore, but I’m able to maintain my energy and feel like I just worked out by choosing healthier foods. (But I still treat myself to a frappucino or burger daily ;))

Lessens the feelings of anxiety and/or depression (even if it’s just a short time)

I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since I was little. Like anyone, I have my good days and bad days, and my bad days seem to get worse as I get older. I wake up and don’t want to get out of bed, but during that one hour I spend at the gym, I have a goal in mind and it keeps my mind occupied with something other than worry and emptiness. In fact, it’s scientifically proven that working out helps alleviate these feelings. Even if you simply go outside and walk around the block, the fresh air will help clear your mind for a short time.

Which brings me to my last point…

You’re practicing self love and self care.

Working out doesn’t only mean running a marathon on a treadmill and lifting heavy weights. Going for a walk is exercise too. Any time you take a few moments to work out, you’re practicing self love and self care. Don’t be destructive and use it as a form of punishment either.

You don’t even really need to go to the gym right when it opens, but if you feel self-conscious, it might be your best bet. There’s not tons of people around, and if you go to a regular gym, you’ll more than likely be amongst an older (elderly) crowd trying to stay limber. That’s all the inspo one should need.

Pro Tip: Make peanut butter and banana overnight oats the night before to have after your workout. That alone gives me the motivation to go to the gym because I look forward to eating it after. It is so so so so satisfying.