Why Camp Means So Much More to Me Than You'll Ever Know

Camp: one word with a huge and indescribable meaning. When people ask me, "what makes you love camp so much?" I automatically freeze. 

My mind wonders off thinking of where to even begin, but my mouth spits out generic answers like "my friends" or "the people." Any answer I could possibly give right on the spot doesn't do justice to why my love for camp is so strong.

What I really want to say is how it’s impossible to not love waking up every single day in a cabin knowing every day is a new adventure. 

Especially knowing that each waking moment is spent with my favorite person in the world. 

I wanna talk about how good it feels to walk outside without an ounce of makeup and the worst bed head of my life and not a single person will judge me for it. 

I don't even realize the grin on my face thinking about how hard I smile and laugh while lying next to my best friend in bed talking about everything that crosses our minds.

I wish I could begin to explain the sense of comfort, safety, and love I get while sleeping surrounded by the people who love me most in this world. 

Comfort and safety and love are taken to a whole new level when I’m able to be my weird and abnormal self, knowing I'll be loved unconditionally for who I truly am. 

Every day passes without a worry in my mind and I go through my days knowing I don't have to be scared or stressed out over anything because life in camp is a perfect reality. 

It will never make sense to an outsider how our worst day at camp still beats the best day at home and how shower partying with shoes on in moldy showers with bad water pressure is enjoyable. 

Trying to answer what I love most about camp is the hardest question I will ever be asked because it is truly indescribable. If you know, then you know. And if you don't know, you never will.

So the next time you get asked that question and are stuck with what to even begin with, just know that any answer you give will never do it justice. 

And as annoying as it is to not be able to explain a place as special as this and put it into words, just know the person that’s asking you never had the experience you had. 

And the people like us who have had the experience to know are truly the luckiest people in the world.

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Published by

Drew Kevitch

I am currently a sophomore at JMU in Virginia, and love love love to write. I am hoping to major in journalism, and felt this is a good place to start.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/drew.kevitch?ref=bookmarks

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