You’ve been put down for so long, made to think horrendous things about yourself that over time, you truly begin to believe the things he told you.
You’re not a monster. You’re not a horrible person. You’re not a psychotic bitch. You’re not anything he’s ever called you.
The worst thing he’s ever called you would be his girlfriend. He didn’t deserve you and never will.
Everything that has ever come out of his mouth was a lie.
Right now, you’re wondering what you did to deserve to be treated this way and the answer is nothing. You did absolutely nothing.
How he treated you isn’t a reflection of you as a person, it’s a reflection of himself.
He made you think that you’re not worthy of real love. He made you think that you’re ugly, fat, disgusting, etc.
You’re not any of those things. You’re a beautiful soul.
He’s the monster, not you. No real person would ever treat someone like that.
Now, you’re thinking all guys are going to be like him; treat you the way he did.
Not all guys are like him.
Not all guys have the same motive or want to completely tear someone down just to make themselves feel superior.
The right guy will put in the effort to be with you. He’ll show you that he wants you.
He’ll do everything he can to make sure you know just how special and important you are to him.
We all have to get our hearts broken a few times, and even though it really does suck it shows us exactly what we don’t want in a relationship.
And when you do get into a healthy relationship you will love the right guy harder than he's ever been loved.
You know exactly what you deserve and what you don't, there is no question anymore.
There's no accepting anything less than amazing when it comes to love, and you won't quit till you find the right love.