
Why I Almost Dropped Out of High School

High school for me really sucked. It was a long process of taking the same classes over and over because I couldn’t pass them the first time. I worked my butt off, stayed up all night trying to figure out Algebra that confused me every minute of everyday, and struggled to learn in class everyday. I hate it, so most of the time I put my head on my desk and went to sleep. At the time, it was the easiet, effective solution to my problems. If you’re reading this don’t follow in my footsteps. I woke up, literally and figuratively.

It wasn’t until my junior year that I started to care about school, learned how to study, and realized what had built the wall I could not break through. It wasn’t until my junior year when I formally met one of my most fomidable anatognists, the builder of the wall: ADHD. It was a barrier causing many of my problems. It wasnt the waking up at 6:00am that bothered me or the ninety minute classes. It was feeling trapped and inferior within those four walls alongside people smarter than me who loved to show it off that bothered me most. People that was sitting next to others who didn’t care, distracted everyone else, and behaved so disrecpectfully, students who had no respect for another’s opportunity or in my case, struggle to learn.

All of those things and so much more bothered me. During my junior year, I finally decided what I wanted to do with my life, what I wanted to major in. Looking at colleges for my future and understanding what I wanted for my life kept me holding on, kept me motivated.

Now I’m in college, and though I still struggle to learn and pay attention in class, I’m still here, working hard to stay in the place I worked so hard to reach. Because it will be worth it in the end, I’m holding on through the piles of homework, exams and stress. So, if you’re reading this and you’re in high school don’t drop out and don’t ever give up. Hold on because there is nothing better than walking across that stage, proving to yourself that- who almost quit, who almost dropped out- now sit alongside all those other who were not actually smarter. It feels good to open the door and see what lies on the other side of the wall, knowing there will be others but feeling a little more ready to scale the next one. Look closely at the places you want to go and appreciate the things you want to do with your future. Hold onto your dreams, and don’t let them go. I promise you’ll get through.

If you’re that kid that’s distracting those around you and being disrepectful to those trying to learn, stop. Please. For the sake of the kids who actually care, and for your teachers, because whether you know it or not it hurts them to see student’s acting out. If you’re the smart kid that has everything together, help those around you. I would’ve loved for someone to say, “Hey do you need any help?” Speak up; they might be afraid to speak up. If you’re the kid that’s struggling to learn and drowning in stress DON’T be afraid to ask for help. It doesn’t make you weak; it certainly doesn’t make you dumb or anything less than anyone else. Speak up, and hold on. Follow your dreams, and don’t give up. In the end it will be worth it. I promise. Study hard, stay strong, be stronger.

Special thanks to Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Watson, Mrs.Lawrence, and all the other teachers who taught me to never give up and helped make me who I am today