As a child, our main goal nearing the end of the year is to be on Santas Nice List. You're reading this because the title captivated your eye and has you curious to what you may have done this year to make Santas Naughty List.
You've been selfish. So what? Sometimes you have to be. Being selfish doesn't have to be a negative thing. It simply states, "I am my first priority and it is time for me to take control of my own happiness". After all, YOU control your own happiness.
You've gotten out of your comfort zone. Congratulations! The world around you may have a stereotypical categorization for you as they see you do things out of the norm. You only begin to grow when you are uncomfortable. This may be the first step to your individual growth. You are meeting parts of yourself that you have been at war with. This coming year, make it an obligation to exceed the expectations you have set for yourself. Great things never come from comfort zones.
You fucked up. Haven't we all? Whether it be misleading someone to think you're into them or taking that right exit instead of the left making you 30 minutes late for work. Making mistakes is better than faking imperfections. We're all human here.
You hurt someones feelings. Assuming it was with honesty, you should never feel regret towards giving someone what another person is not courageous enough to share with them.
You have been unapologetically yourself. There is nothing more sexy than an individual comfortable and confident in his or her own skin. "The true essence of beauty is being comfortable with your imperfections." – Steve Maraboli
You lost someone. Not everyone you lose is a loss. Simply take this statement and move forward knowing that some individuals are meant for a chapter in your life, not the entire book you're writing. We are here to feed the sheep, not entertain the goats.
You disappointed someone. Some individuals will only love you so long as you fit in their box. This reminds me of once being told, "you're allowing an individual to linger in your mind without paying rent". This is your box, your life, the only one you have and will live to become exactly who you were set on Earth to become. Don't be afraid to disappoint.
You failed. There's no such thing. You're learning. Always remember for each 'no' you receive, you are that much closer to a 'yes'. Success is built on failure and frustration. Success is looking failure in the face and saying, you didn't work out the times before, but maybe with different direction, I will overcome these obstacles. "Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo." – Jon Sinclair
You took charge. Don't apologize for it.
If you found that you fit into any of these descriptions this year, know you're not alone. Don't be discouraged when things don't always go your way. And don't be discouraged that you're probably on the Naughty List. Santa brings presents to the naughty kids too!