Why The “So, What Are We” Convo Terrifies Me

I want to be able to just straight up ask you what are we, but I don’t have the balls.

We’re somewhere between friends and being more, but I don’t think either of us really knows what’s going on.

But just so you know, this in between is literally killing me. 

Because when it’s just us two and my head lay on your chest with your heartbeat echoing in my ear, it’s as if no one else exists. I could stay in that moment forever with you.

With you by my side, every anxious thought every worry I once had disappears. Just by being you, you consume me in the best way.

But once you leave, I feel this empty feeling. And honestly, I know why.

Because there have been one too many texts left on read, and two too many Snapchats left “Opened at 11:03 am.”

You make me feel like I’m your last priority, like the time we just spent together, that meant the absolute world to me, meant less than nothing to you.

I’m not asking for much here, I just need a little clarity.

I need to know if you want this because I can’t keep living each day waiting for you to come around, waiting for your text, waiting for you to show me this could be something more.

When will it be my turn to get a “good morning” text from you? Or “have a nice day.” Why am I the one who is putting in all of the efforts?

Am I pathetic for wanting something more out of this when I already feel like I know the answer to my question I have been dying to ask you?

All I know is that my feelings for you are real and I think we could be something really great if you’d let us.

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Published by

Jessa Lee

Twitter handle: Facebook URL: www.facebook.com/awalkinmyshadow

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