
Why Your Best Bet Is to Lose the Hero and Date the Zero

Mediocrity is honestly just a state of mind. 

People say the girls that go for the mediocre guys have low self-esteem or no taste period, but they're wrong. 

Most girls enjoy going after guys that are said to be just as attractive as them, maybe even a little more. And let's be honest, most women tend to love the chase more than they enjoy the man himself. But that's the thing, I'm tired of being the only one who does the chasing. 

While pretty girls are going after the pretty boys, who's going after the mediocre guys?

As crappy as this may sound, the popular, star athlete, pretty boy you're chasing after has 5 other, way hotter girls chasing after him as well. So why do girls continue this cycle we call "dating"? Because we get off on the chase. Enough is enough. 

Take a step outside of your comfort zone and date a guy you wouldn't look twice at. You know, the one that holds the door open for you as your following closely behind the hot guy that didn't call you back after that one night stand. 

The guy that tells you how pretty you are after you've been bawling your eyes out because the star pitcher who just asked you on a date asked your best friend on one too. 

The guy that would do anything to make you smile over the guy that would do anything to get your clothes off. 

I'm sorry, but most of the "pretty boys" are douche bags.

I'd rather date someone that looks at me like the sun rises and sets in my eyes. Someone that would drive all the way across the state just to see me smile. 

I've come across too many good looking dudes that would say or do anything to see me naked, and that's the problem. 

So many guys are more interested in what the inside of your bedroom looks like rather than what the inside of your soul looks like. 

Mediocre guys seem to appreciate more. They appreciate that they have a beautiful girl in front of them and they'd fight like hell to keep her. They appreciate your beauty inside and out and would never take you for granted. 

So, be the change. Date a mediocre guy. 

Look at his personality more than his looks and chances are you'll find the love of your life a whole lot faster than you would if you kept chasing the guys that cared more about their appearance than another person's feelings.