I went to an all girls high-school and besides the minor fights with friends (that obviously seemed monumental then) I usually managed to keep my head down, get good grades, and had fun with my friends. I didn’t particularly like high school, couldn’t wait for it to be done. I also don’t miss it. Why? Because girls are cruel. We spend all day judging each other and breaking each other down and I’m not too sure why. We all have guy problems, go through our times of the month, and struggle with our weight and body image. We do not need to break each other down because we are our own biggest critics. If you find yourself judging another girl take a second to ask yourself why. Is it maybe because you see something about her that you don’t like about yourself? Or maybe because you like the way she looks wearing something you feel you don’t look good in. For whatever reason, you should stop yourself and think why you are doing it. We all have our battles, it would be nice to have allies when we can’t be our own. There is beauty in every girl and it might not be obvious right away but it is there.
I see girls make snide comments and posts throwing so much shade at another girl and then watch the fight ensue in the comments. It blows my mind. Most of the girls in my class have kids and are married or in serious relationships. But there are also a good amount who are single moms. Parenthood should unite mom’s in a very strong way. Each mom has watched their baby(ies) sleep, comforted them when they were sick or hurt, and has experienced heartaches for whatever reason. I’m so happy for all the moms and married women that are in my life or were in my class. Even the single ones busting their ass to pay off that expensive car or buying that house that they want. The ones that put themselves through school still to get that career that will provide for them and their children. The ones who might be single but haven’t given up on love and teach their children the value of love.
I am sad for the girls who think their relationships are their lives. He may be your everything right now, but what happens if and when that ends? You pushed away everyone and now you are alone. A healthy balance includes all aspects of your life. Spending every waking minute with your boyfriend isn’t healthy either. Go hang out with your girlfriends at least once a week. Having a life with your girlfriends is so important. Doing it in high school was one thing, you were young and naive. We know better now. We know relationships don’t always last, and even if they do, why on earth would you want to lose your friends? I love my friends. I love what each one brings to my life, headaches and all.
Value yourself, value your friends, and value the girls around you that you might not even know that well. Self confidence doesn’t always come easy, align yourself with positive people and make your life brighter. And thank you to all my ladies that me laugh, smile, and have my back through my dark times. You all rock!