
Xanax took my Dad

"Daddy, I'll always be your biggest fan, even if you strike out" 

My best friend, my confidant and my Dad. 

Lost and not yet to be found. Lost within the demon inside himself.

 Takes your soul and holds it deep. Never lets go until it wins, Death. You're lucky if you make it out alive. 

It never really leaves you. Dormant waiting for its chance to arise again even stronger than before. 

Deteriorating every emotion inside making you lifeless, motionless and penniless. Turns loving fathers into rock bottom addicts not able to escape the life it has planned for them. Life sentence. 

A life full of deceit, broken promises and empty eyes.

 A life engorged with missed calls from broken hearted daughters just waiting for an answer. Waiting for the day her dad wakes up from this nightmare. Daughters that only want their fathers back but will never get the day. Forever waiting for addiction to give my father back. 
