You are so much closer to losing her than you realize. She is starting to put up her guard and she is slowly seeing that you no longer treat her the same way.
I promise you that when this happens, you are going to regret it.
She is slowly putting her walls up around her heart, and she is noticing that you are not taking notice that she is changing.
One day, she is going to walk away, and the man who takes her hand after you is going to do the same exact thing that you could have done for her, and you will regret it.
You will regret not giving her your all.
You will regret letting her feel like she was not enough. Because, you will see her happy with someone else, and when this happens, you're going to see just how much you truly loved her. I just hope that when this time comes, you are prepared for it.
On the day she gets into a new relationship, I know that your heart is going to break. Even though every chance you have gotten since your break up, you have been with other women. But, as soon as she gets involved with someone else, suddenly you are unsure how you are going to cope.
When you finally see her happy, please just let her be.
Let her be happy, because you had the chance to be her happiness and you blew it.
Let her fall in love, because she loved you so much, and you blew it.
Let her have fun, because she tried to dance and sing with you, and you blew it.
After so many months of her trying to get your attention, after months of her trying to hold on to a love she knew was dying, she finally did what any woman who was tired would do. She lived for herself then she found someone who would appreciate her.
After so many months of you ignoring her and not showing her how you truly felt, now you want to.
Now you suddenly want the chance, But it is gone.
She is already gone.