
You Could've Had Her Forever, But Now You've Lost Her For Good

When she said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you, she meant it. And she thought that when you said it back it actually meant that you felt the same way. But she was wrong, as we often are when we're in too deep with someone. Because with you, she never really even stood a chance which is a shame because you could've had her forever, but now you've lost her for good.

She fell for you without reason, without even knowing that she was. 

And honestly, after all of this time, she has to stop and wonder if you meant anything you said. Or if you were only telling her what she wanted to hear because you knew. You knew what you were doing to her all along. And you knew that each time you let her down, she broke a little bit more. 

You and her have never been simple. It's always been messy and complicated and less than perfect. It's never been able to slow down, it's never had any order. 

But when it all comes to an end, just like she knew it would, she’s the one that get's left standing all alone. She’s the one that has to move on, even though her feet feel stuck to the ground. 

And you get to walk away without a care in the world. 

Which is funny because she never changed her mind. She never went off to find someone else and then came back to you, hoping that you would forgive her. Hoping that you would love her again. Nothing ever changed for her when it came to you. 

She was always so sure.  

It might not hit you yet because she’s given up on you before. You might think that sometime soon, She’s going to come crawling back to you, begging and pleading with you. 

But that girl is long gone. 

You could have had her forever. She could’ve been there with you, beside you, loving you no matter what came your way. 

But that's all in the past now. There's nothing more you could say or do to make her believe in you anymore. She’s put in her time. And now her heart is too tired for this. 

Too tired to wait for you anymore. 

So, this is her walking away from you for good. This is her, not saying she'll see you around, not saying maybe you can try again down the road, but saying goodbye for the last time. 

She’s loved you for so long that now, she physically and emotionally can't anymore. And you're going to have to live with that.

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