Too many people make comments to me about my weight and ask me if I ever eat anything. Well the answer is yes, I eat constantly, but I eat healthy (for the most part) and try to take care of my mental and physical well-being as much as possible. When I was growing up I had such low self-esteem issues because I was constantly picked on about my weight and my height and I definitely wasn't anywhere near as pretty as all the other girls around me. I was always the last person to be picked to be on any team and I was always the first person to be bullied by all the popular and prettier girls. I always denied my good qualities because I was too busy comparing myself to others because I listened to all the hateful remarks I got from other people. I was wrong to feel embarrassed and try to dress in baggy clothes because I didn't want to be teased for my collar bone sticking out too far that day or because my legs were weird and don't touch when I stand.
I am finally happy with what I see looking back at me in the mirror…
Instead of learning to accept and love my flaws, I believed what everyone said about me. It wasn't until the past year that I fully accepted who I was and started to take care of myself the way I should have done for years. The biggest change happened when I decided to love myself and when I had someone else that loved me just as much. No, I'm definitely not magazine perfect and I have plenty of things that need improvement, but I can confidently say I am comfortable and love my whole body, flaws and all.
"What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you"