Your Angel is Knocking.

They were one Angel shy

And needed you more…

Calling unto you

As if a knock at the door.

There's a beauty that lies within pain

As life likes to remind us

Regardless whose path

We all have a purpose.

We are fortunate enough

To live a life of love and laughs

But when your Angel comes knocking

They are needing you back.

That's the thing about time

We often forget to recall

It's a borrowed promise…

In which is given to us all.

You don't have to believe

To understand this precious thing

It is sometimes as simple

As what one sunrise can bring.

It can bring hope to the hopeless

Or a reminder of how each day starts anew

The traces of the nightfall

Grass covered in morning dew.

How are you listening

To those all around?

The chaos of the chatter?

Or the rain hitting the ground?

As a reminder

Take each day as it's given

Live in every moment

Before you reach your heaven.

Those moments so brief…

And all to seldom

Leads us to our destination…

We are finally one with Him.

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It is in our weakest moments, we find clarity and hope. It is in that vulnerablitliy we find ourselves. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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