
Your Breakup Survival Guide

Wither it be a breakup or a broken heart, it’s something that everyone goes through and it’s never a fun situation. You need to learn how to build yourself from it instead of sulking around, so welcome to your breakup survival guide! Just note that this process takes time, you need to let yourself get over the situation completely and it’s not going to happen over night.

1. Cry it out!

This is the first and most important step. You need to allow yourself to cry it out, because you need to feel those emotions. I’m allowing you 3 days MAXIMUM to lay in bed and binge Netflix and eat ice cream. Any longer and you’re just taking advantage of it.

2. Delete their number!

This step takes a lot of discipline because you’re going to want to see how their doing or try to make contact and I’m here to tell you NO. You don’t need to see what they’re doing and you don’t need to talk to them. Delete, delete, delete. I can sit here and fill this page up with “deletes” but you have to actually do it, don’t write the number down, don’t memorize it, just delete it. Delete them off of everything because you need to focus on yourself, which leads to my next step.

3. Find Yourself Again!

After sitting in bed for 3 days (remember that’s your maximum), you need to force yourself out of the house. Go for a walk, go to a friends house, take yourself out to eat, do SOMETHING. Find a new hobby and focus on it, not only can you make new friends from it but it’ll take your mind off everything.

4. Avoid Bars for the first week or two.

Most people get over their ex by drinking a lot, so the typical spot you would run into an ex would be a bar and right now you don’t need a run in. It will back track you. Now I’m not saying you can’t drink, go out and enjoy a drink with your friends, but don’t go to the bar. If you’re a best friend reading this, this is your job to help. No. Bars.

5. Exercise!!!

This step is an important one for many of my friends. They go to the gym and workout, because what better way to run into your ex later on down the road then looking better than you were? You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym, you can start walking/running, swimming, which ever exercise you like. It’s great and you’ll be doing yourself a favor.

6. Music, music, music!

Another thing that helps with everyone’s rough days is listening to music. You can sing your heart out to it and sometimes the songs say things that you just didn’t know how to.

7. Get rid of anything that was gifted to you.

I feel like this one is a pretty big step, that’s why I think it should be one of the final steps. When you feel like your starting to get over the breakup I think you should throw everything out or donate it, it’ll hurt less while you do it and you won’t make excuses as to why you should keep an item. Not to mention it just feels great to finally be able to let it go.

8. Don’t jump into a relationship to soon.

You need to allow time for yourself, so jumping immediately into another relationship won’t really help. You’ll compare the person to your ex and it’ll just keep opening the wound. You can’t be emotionally available if your still healing.

9.Accept the fact that it’ll take time to get over

 Don’t allow yourself to play victim. Just know that it’ll take time to get over. Don’t talk bad about your ex, I know you’ll want to but just don’t waste the breath. This is a process and processes take time to work through. Allow friends and family to help you through it. Time will heal you, you can’t rush it. Wither it be a week or a couple of years, you’ll get over your ex. Just hang in there.