
You're About to Lose Her and You Probably Don't Even Know It

It really isn't that hard to be a decent person and either step up to the plate or just cut her loose. 

You don't even notice the way her mood shifts when you put her off once again or see how her eyes drop when you leave her hanging. 

What you need to do is stop trying to weasel out of everything and making excuses. 

There will always be something in life– some reason or problem or explanation– but you have to learn how to prioritize her in spite of those things. 

Stop breaking plans with her and letting your time with her seem unimportant. 

Don't get her hopes up just to send her crashing down every time. 

Because at some point a line has to be drawn and if you don't want to be on the wrong side of it, then I suggest you wise up and realize what you've got. 

Be the man that she deserves and tell her how you feel; be honest even if it's difficult. 

Don't let her slip right through your fingertips and then spend the rest of your life regretting it. 

Don't wait until it's too late to be what she needs. 

The truth is that isn't about the fact that you're not hurting her on purpose, it's about purposefully trying not to. 

It's about making her feel as cherished as she deserves to be. 

It's always about effort and it all boils down to what you're willing to sacrifice. 

Can you give up an activity? Can you manage your time better? What can you do to show her that she matters to you?

So here's your wake up call: Make a choice and make sure you can live with whatever it is.

For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.