
You're Breastfeeding In Public?!

If you have a baby, you have the choice to breastfeed or not to breastfeed. That is simply your choice to make and only your choice. Breastfeeding in public though, is a different story per everybody else.

Everybody in the world believes they have a say so in the way you raise your baby and what you can and can’t do with your baby.

I have no baby, I am no mother but here is my opinion anyways.

What is my opinion? Do whatever the f**k you want to do.

The only thing I ask if you are going to breastfeed in public is to take note of your surroundings before pulling that bad baby out, there might be some young eyes or some inappropriate eyes watching.

I’m all for women doing what they want especially when raising a child. I have seen a ton of articles where mothers feel breastfeeding in public but using a blanket to cover the baby is unfair. I’ve also seen articles where some mothers simply favor the blanket covers.

As mothers, I can only assume you know what makes your baby happy and most comfortable. If you use the cover, all the power to ya and if you don’t, all the power to ya.

I sure as hell don’t want to eat under a blanket or heavy cover, especially on a hot day during summer. That cannot be comfortable at all.

I am no mother but I am a woman, and as a woman I must say we judge and tear down each other all the time. That’s got to stop, like yesterday.

Breastfeeding is a completely normal thing to do, breasts are completely normal things to have. 

Stop making it okay for Kate Upton and Kylie Jenner to show off their perky little friends, just to get mad at a mother for having the audacity to nourish her child on a bench in the corner of the mall.

All our breasts are just that, breasts, some are fatter, some are perkier, some are rounder but no matter what, they’re all just breasts. No woman should have to worry if her breasts can be considered “sexy” enough to show in public.

I can only hope that one day I will have a baby, who will be breastfed if I am lucky enough to be able to do so. Knowing that the public will be judging me makes me weary for when that day comes but I can only hope our human race gets a bit nicer as we go.

So, you, mother of that crying newborn, feed him dammit. Don’t worry about that lady with the disgusted look or the man pointing at you in confusion. Nourish your baby in the best way you know how and be proud of the fact that you can provide such a wonderful thing to your child.

And to you, the disgusted woman or confused man, leave that poor new mom alone, she’s doing the best she can. She isn’t trying to seduce you or insult you in anyway. She is simply trying to hush her baby so you don’t have to listen to him cry from starving.

A baby needs food way more than you need a “pleasant” view for all of 2 minutes.

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