Relationships, Health, Sex.

Relationships are not for particular groups of people, even though it is always advised that it should be started at a certain age where some maturity has been attained, and the tendency to make right decisions are high. Some partners decide to abstain from sex; others are sexually active; no decision is wrong in this case. It is just a matter of preference. So yes, it is okay to be in a relationship, and yes, it is very normal to be in a sexually active relationship. But there are down sides to virtually everything that exists on earth, and STD (Sexually Transmitted diseases) happen to be the down side of sex. Every sexually encounters (no matter how great the experience was), is a gamble. And why is it a gamble? This is simple, with an STD like Herpes where most people who have the virus do not know, and it’s carried by 1 out of every six individuals in the United States alone; you are aware that certain precautions have to be taken when having sexual relationships.

Because herpes comes with minimal symptoms, there is the high chance that it is transferred efficiently without the carrier and the receiver knowing what just happened; the method of this transfer could include oral sex too. For a whole lot of other people, it comes with mild symptoms which exist as rashes or look like sores and skin irritations, which are overlooked by the carriers most of the time. The known preventive measures include abstaining wholly or having only one sexual partner; it is imperative that both you and your partner should also be tested.

With current social network boom and the interconnectivity of the internet, there has been an increase in the number of dating sites which enables people to be matched on the platform, irrespective of their geographical location but according to certain criteria specified by the users. With advancements such as these and with easy accessibility, there are also available platforms where people living with herpes can meet. So, before the question comes up, yes, it is possible to have herpes and be in a relationship as well.  HSV & STD Dating Communities such as MPWH allow for networking of singles who are living with genital or oral herpes, as well as ensure that the privacy of its members. The need for such interrelationships and platforms cannot be over stated; it is good for everyone (mostly herpes positive people) because, it is an avenue through which the individuals can know that they are not alone, that there are people with similar conditions and might be like minded.

If there is one compulsory expectancy, it has to be that people living with STDs such as herpes should always be welcomed with warm hearts, they shouldn’t have to face stigmatization, and should be related to amicably. Race, age, location and other differentiating factors also should not be brought into the relationship, we are all humans, and we should treat each other as such.


Published by

charlie M.

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