
10 Creative Ideas Every Pet Lover Should Try

Are you a pet lover? Are you dating a pet lover? Or do you have one in your family or friend group? Well, people who deeply care about their furry companions are always looking for new ideas to show off their passion and make their animals happy. So, if you’re fresh out of gift ideas or fun DIY projects that involve pets, here are some ideas you should definitely consider. 

Natural treats

Our pets’ health is probably the most important thing for all owners, so make sure to keep your pet well-fed. But some tasty treats between meals are also a must, as long as they are healthy and free of additives and other artificial ingredients. Homemade treats and chews are a great gift because they are made with natural ingredients. For instance, this sweet potato chew will become any puppy’s favorite thing to munch and crunch on. 

Custom food container

In order to always keep your pet properly fed, you need to keep their food at hand, but the average pet food packaging is less than attractive. If you or your friend loves home décor, you can create a custom food container. Grab a larger can with a lid, paint it to fit your home’s color palette, add some words with a thick marker (write your pet’s name or with simple ‘dog food’ written on it) and voila—no more ugly pet food bags that ruin your aesthetics. 

Vintage pet bed

Most pets can agree on one thing—sleeping is amazing! So, provide them with a comfy and safe space for nightly Zs and afternoon naps. If you or your gift recipient loves traveling, you can grab a vintage suitcase from a flea market, stuff it with a cozy pillow and create a beautiful pet bed/piece of home décor. Are you a knitter? A hand-woven pet bed might be a perfect project for you. 

Pet picture magnets

You’re probably hitting the fridge multiple times a day, especially during this pandemic, so why not look at something beautiful like your pet every time to reach for the cooler? Photo magnets of furry friends will look cute on your fridge and they make a cheap and thoughtful gift for any pet lover


Pet portrait

This gift is reserved for serious pet lovers and all people with a sense of humor and style. Since pets are equal members of the family, why not treat them to a proper portrait? If you find a good company that makes custom pet portraits in different sizes, you will receive a unique masterpiece to add to your art collection—these are great conversation starters. Not only that but every time you look at your pet’s portrait, you will be reminded of just how blessed you are to have them in your life. 


Treat dispenser

Are you often separated from your pet? Long-distance relationships with your dog or cat can be very hard, so remind them that you care with a little treat every once in a while. A treat dispenser can be operated with your phone, and models with a camera even offer insight into your pet’s behavior while you’re not at home. If your pet is driven more by toys than food, an automatic tennis ball launcher will provide them with hours of fun while you’re away. 


Pet cookie cutter

Do you like to bake (both human and pet treats)? Personalized cookie cutters with your dog’s or cat’s face will make for some super cute cookies that look as sweet as they taste. 


Pet carrier hoodie

Know anyone who loves to take their lapdog literally everywhere? Are you that person? With a pet carrier hoodie, you can carry your little pooch in a kangaroo-style pocket wherever you go—shopping, grabbing lunch and even hiking. 


Smart collar

Know any pet lovers that are tech-savvy? Well, surprise them with a smart collar that works like a smartphone for your pup. It tracks your pet’s location, monitors their activity, sends alerts and even helps you keep up with your dog’s medical records—it can be a true lifesaver. 


Pet odor candle

All pet-owners know that pet odor is notoriously hard to get rid of. In order to banish that scent out of your house, try a specialized candle with enzymes that kill odors. Just be careful when getting it as a gift for someone—it’s kind of telling them their house stinks! Yikes. 
All of these ideas will come in handy for you, but can also make amazing presents for all pet lovers in your life. Keep them in mind, so next time you need a project or a perfect gift, remember these.